Fertigation Hydroponics - FertyGnom-1.0A

Reality today may differ slightly from what is shown in the picture.

Fertigation Unit

Fertigation kit with a capacity of 1 cubic meter m per hour for low volume hydroponics systems and small areas of open ground.

For small farms, which include home farms, small greenhouses, poultry houses, hobby gardens, and vineyards, we have developed a simple and inexpensive fertigation system based on a MixRite 1.0 proportional metering pump.

This pump is designed for the constant dosage of fertilizers or any chemical or biological preparations into flowing water with a fixed dosage of 0.2%. The pump has a small size and weight, a high degree of reliability, and is durable in operation.

растворный узел в сборе для расхода воды 1 куб. в час.

In the photo, the set of the fertigation unit FertyGnom-1.0A, the total weight of the device is only 1 kg. 800 gr.

More details in the following photos:

Блок фертигации растворный узел в сборе для расхода воды 1 куб. в час.

Блок фертигации для гидропоники на 1 куб. м. в час в деталях.

Second collection option: Fertigation block kit FertyGnom-1.0AF2

Растворный узел 1 куб. ч. с фильтрами в сборе.

A special feature of the MixRite 1.0-0.2 proportional pump is the presence of an injector switch. If the green button is pressed, the pump adds the dosing liquid, for example, fertilizer, to the water passing through it; if the red button is pressed, the water flows through the dosing pump without adding the dosing medium.

Блок фертигации 3 насоса 1 куб. ч. с фильтрами в сборе.

If you are serious about hydroponics, it is very difficult to provide the required nutrient solution with just one metering pump. For a fully functional fertigation system, we offer a compact unit consisting of 3 metering pumps, which allows very flexible use of different types of fertilizers and the preparation of a nutrient solution from three different components.


The assemblies shown above can be applied:

  • For adding fertilizers, basic and microelements to irrigation water in the open field, and in greenhouses.
  • For dosing pesticides in plant spray systems.
  • To add micronutrient fertilizers and biostimulants when watering and spraying plants in greenhouses through sprinkler fogging systems.
  • Dosed addition of minerals and vitamins to drinking water in animal husbandry and in the field of animal husbandry.
  • Adding detergents to systems where it is required, such as car washes, food processing, etc.


If such kits are needed for your farm, for your greenhouse or for other purposes, you may Contact us or one of our representatives.

Greenhouse Teden-500
Greenhouse Teden-500

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