10 Secrets of a successful farmer

Reality today may differ slightly from what is shown in the picture.

Secrets of a successful farmer

Successful farmerA farmer, namely a farmer, is the main producer of food products. Until recently, farmers were probably the main producers of clothing. They grew cotton, sheep to shear their wool, animals to use their skin for shoes and clothing, and for example rabbits, nutria, foxes, minks and even sables, so that people had beautiful and warm hats and fur coats.
Recently, this sector of agriculture has significantly narrowed, as humanity has learned to produce clothing and shoes from synthetic materials, but food products are still produced by farmers.

People have long understood that, as they say, "trust in God, but don't be lazy yourself." Therefore, lying under a palm tree and waiting for some tasty fruit to fall right into your hands is a futile occupation, and agriculture may well be the second oldest profession, since agriculture began a long time ago, as soon as they realized that the most necessary things can be grown for themselves with their own hands, and not hope that they will be able to find something somewhere, or learn to run like a cheetah to catch up and eat some living creature.
As soon as a person's brain began to work creatively, he immediately began to create agriculture. The main and key factor of progress is laziness. It makes the brain work and come up with all sorts of relief for itself. All this is called machines and technology, mechanization and automation, although the first mechanisms that replaced human labor were horses, oxen, donkeys and camels. The second engine of progress is, of course, profit. Each of us wants to get a higher benefit from our work, and this is possible if we work not only with our hands, but first of all with our heads.

In countries where agriculture is well developed, only 2-3% of the population works in agriculture and provides food for everyone else. In countries where innovations, technologies, knowledge, advanced experience are not treated very carefully, and in some places even with disdain, 20-50% of the population is employed in agriculture, but there is still not enough food...

Take advantage of some of my advice, and most importantly, approach your work creatively and wisely.

1. Choose your specialization

Choosing the optimal specialization for your farm is very difficult. If everyone in the area grows cucumbers, for example, then in no case should you duplicate the specialization of your neighbors. This is called primitive, not agriculture. Successful farmers determine what to grow based on experience, studying market needs, natural and climatic conditions, and the territorial location of the farm. The size of the farm is also of great importance. If you want to grow wheat, sunflower, corn, sugar beets, or hay, for example, and become a successful farmer, you will have to acquire hundreds or thousands of hectares of land. However, there is not much agricultural land. To successfully run a small or medium-sized farm, you will have to put in a lot of effort, and first of all, intellectual effort. It is very difficult to determine which specialization will be the most profitable for you. You also need to take into account that for a successful business you need to invest money in the development of your farm.

For different countries, the criteria for the success of farmers differ significantly. Somewhere you can do practically nothing at all and live on subsidies and all sorts of government support programs, but in other countries, farmers have a very hard time. They are abandoned to their fate.
Nevertheless, a farmer can become successful everywhere. Let's figure out what you need to do to be successful:

2. Land

Land is the main means of production. If you do not have your own land, I do not advise you to try to become a farmer. The landowner who gives you land for rent is not interested in your success. He only cares about land rent. Well, investing in a farm that is located on someone else's land, from which you can be driven out at any moment, at least is not rational. Therefore, start with the land. If you have it and it is in your ownership, then you can start working on it.

3. Water

Water is the second resource after land for creating a successful farm. You do not need to rely on rain. It may come, or it may not come and everything will rot or dry out.
The quality of the water from the source available to your farm is also a very important factor. Have your water chemically analyzed to be sure it is suitable for irrigation.

4. Climate

It is very important to clearly understand what (or who) and how can grow on your land. In the open air or will you have to hide under a roof. Even in countries with a warm climate, modern farmers prefer to cover their production and at the expense of this will give you a guaranteed result. Plants and animals protected from external influences and natural elements will give the farmer a guaranteed result and high profit.

5. Make a Business Plan

For yourself. Specifically for yourself, and not for banks or investors. A real Business Plan, where all aspects of your farm are clearly spelled out, will help you a lot in the future. The main point of this document is marketing research. Study the market. Deeply and thoroughly. This is the only way you can determine the general line of development for yourself. Clearly plan the required investments. Make this calculation with a reserve of at least 20%. It is impossible to foresee everything from the start, so you need to take into account the risks. Clearly plan the farm management scheme and develop your own marketing policy. Flexible and designed to obtain maximum profit from the grown products.

6. Labor

You need to understand from the beginning how you plan to carry out work on your farm. You can do it yourself, or you can work with your whole family, but if the volumes are large, you will have to look for labor. If people who want to work for you live near your farm? Make sure that there are no problems with labor, especially during the harvest season.

7. Equipment and technology

A farmer's life is controlled by the market and competitiveness. For some reason, many people believe that agriculture is terribly conservative and that everything should be done the way our grandparents did. This is a big mistake. If you want to be a successful farmer, be on the cutting edge of technology! Use modern equipment and technology. Not necessarily the most expensive, but before deciding to use this or that equipment or technology, study the experience of other farmers. If you are sure that your choice is right, do as you decided.
Be attentive and careful. Sometimes, outwardly, there are very similar things. Sometimes - you will be offered a very fascinating price. Don't chase the cheapest. It's not always the best. And life shows that those who save a lot usually pay twice.

8. Knowledge

Farmers must learn all their lives. From their own experience and from the experience of their colleagues. Carefully study world experience. The Internet will help you. If possible, visit other countries, those countries where agriculture is at a higher level than in your country. Learn. Knowledge and experience will allow you to successfully compete with other farmers.

9. Don't count on subsidies and government assistance

If there is any assistance from the government, accept this assistance. But try to organize your business so that you can get by with your own funds. Be self-sufficient and then everything will work out!

10. Competition and cooperation

Competition is something without which there is no life on Earth. But surviving alone is also almost impossible. And for successful survival, there is cooperation. Cooperation is a team, a community of people, businessmen who unite on the principles of mutual benefit, support and compliance with the rules of honest and decent business.
This all works great in many countries of the world. If your cooperation is poorly developed, look for opportunities to create or revive it. A reasonable, honest, decent and mutually beneficial combination of private and public interests is cooperation. Cooperation will reduce your costs and expenses and increase profits. Cooperate with colleagues on clear, understandable and transparent terms. Take care of your honor and reputation. This is a guarantee of successful work and the success of your farm.

* Advice without a number

Be active, modern people. Communicate with colleagues. Spend time on the Internet, social networks, specialized Internet resources. This will help you become a successful farmer. This will add knowledge and skills, it will give you friends, useful and productive communication.
The Internet will help in improving your farm, the Internet will help in marketing.
More creativity, friends, and success is guaranteed to you!

Greenhouse Teden-500
Greenhouse Teden-500

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