Comprehensive project for the pomegranate production industry.

Reality today may differ slightly from what is shown in the picture.


Comprehensive project for the development of the pomegranate production industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent Fergana Ashkelon. July 2018.


This exclusive project was created and submitted to the customer for consideration in the summer of 2018.

According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Mirziyoyev Shavkat Miromonovich, on the intensive development of the pomegranate production industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan with the main production based in the Fergana region with a total potential for developing areas for growing crops of up to 20,000 hectares, AGROSHERIFF Ltd. conducted a preliminary study of the project's potential in relation to the natural and climatic conditions of the region.

We researched and studied the existing pomegranate orchards in the Kuva district of the Fergana region, and the enterprise Agrofirma "Fergana Anorchilik". We also visited a processing plant in Kuva.
Based on the analysis of the real state of the industry, we are confident that the project has good prospects, but to achieve the goals, a comprehensive approach to solving a number of problems is required to ensure the effective implementation of the project based on modern innovative technologies.


A comprehensive approach to the implementation of the project includes a more in-depth study of all areas in 15 districts of the Fergana region planned for the establishment of new gardens, precise determination of the areas and configuration of gardens in each district, the creation of a common comprehensive project that includes:

  • Design and planting of new gardens, renovation and reconstruction of existing gardens.
  • A comprehensive solution for providing all production areas with water, reconstruction and construction of irrigation systems.
  • Determination of the range and volumes of products sold in fresh and processed in the form.
  • Construction of several enterprises for processing and storing fresh and processed products.
  • Creation of service centers in each district to ensure efficient cultivation, high-quality processing, storage and marketing of products.
  • A single marketing and logistics center that ensures efficient sales of products on the domestic and foreign markets.
  • Construction of terminals that ensure the shipment of products by road and rail.
  • Opening of a specialized terminal at the Fergana airport to ensure air transportation of fresh and processed products for export.
  • Training of industry specialists at the university faculty opened in Fergana: Agronomists, engineers and other industry specialists.
  • Creation of advanced training courses for farmers and other specialists involved in this industry at the faculty.
  • Creation of a specialized scientific unit "Anor Science".
  • Growing and processing of products should be based exclusively on modern, innovative technologies to ensure guaranteed competitiveness of fresh pomegranates and processed products on the world market.
  • All technologies must comply with international quality standards.

Conceptual sketch design for the placement of facilities included in the infrastructure of the FERGANA ANOR project

Production potential of the project.

The yield of pomegranate orchards in the Fergana region is on average 15-18 tons per hectare. Modern pomegranate orchards have much higher potential. The average yield of pomegranate orchards in Israel and similar orchards in the state of California, grown using Israeli technology, is 50 tons per hectare.
The planned total area in the Fergana region will be 20,000 hectares. To achieve maximum economic efficiency of the project, it is necessary to approach its implementation comprehensively and systematically. New plantations must be established based on the most modern technologies to obtain the maximum yield. It is necessary to carefully approach the selection of varieties, fully comply with agricultural technology and plant cultivation technology, completely reconstruct, or rather build a modern garden irrigation system, modernize complex plant protection and create service structures to ensure the operation of the project.

Total yield.

  • The existing technology allows you to get from 300 to 360 thousand tons.
  • The modern technologies we offer - up to 1 million tons of products.

In the future, to analyze the potential of the project, we will consider the production of pomegranate grown on the basis of modern technologies.

Fresh products.

Sales of fresh products can amount to 20% of the produced products, i.e. about 200 thousand tons, taking into account the extension of sales periods by using new technologies for storing products.


The main types of processed products are juice and syrup.
Processing 800 thousand tons of products will require the construction of at least 10-15 large processing plants.

As a result of processing, it is possible to obtain 400-500 thousand tons of the main products in the form of juices, concentrates and syrups.

Processed products have significant advantages due to long shelf life and significantly higher market value of products.

Additional types of processed products.

Pomegranate wine has a unique exclusive taste and has medicinal properties.
Cosmetic products based on pomegranate oil and other components of this plant have useful properties and has protective and healing properties.

The latest scientific research has yielded interesting and unexpected results. Pomegranate products have a number of highly effective properties for protecting the body from cancer, treating a number of diseases, including human nervous system disorders, Parkinson's disease, inflammatory processes and, most importantly, treating cancer and preventing their occurrence. The most effective remedy against skin cancer is pomegranate oil.

Currently, research centers in Israel and the United States are conducting intensive research into the healing properties of products made from pomegranate fruits.

The economic potential of all types of pomegranate products, including fresh products, has a very high economic potential. The development of this industry should be considered as a very serious export potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which will significantly increase the income of the state and the population due to a significant increase in export volumes.

Planting gardens.

Planting scheme for plants in intensive gardens 4x2 meters. Based on this planting scheme, 1,250 seedlings will be required for one hectare. The total requirement for the planned areas is 2,500,000 seedlings. To produce high-quality planting material, it will be necessary to create a specialized nursery.

As the initial planting material, a strict varietal selection of mother plants from local varieties is necessary, plus, it is desirable to partially use imported planting material of new highly productive varieties.
Approximate minimum costs for the creation of a nursery and the production of planting material are 6-8 million US dollars.

Nursery employees should begin a thorough study of existing plantings this year, with marking and selection of source material for subsequent cultivation of planting material of local pomegranate varieties.

Irrigation systems.

A key element in the successful development of the project is irrigated agriculture.

To obtain the maximum yield, constant, stable irrigation of pomegranate gardens is necessary.

Pomegranate plants are quite drought-resistant. The daily water requirement of 1 hectare of garden is on average about 1-2 cubic meters.

Thus, the daily irrigation water requirement for the planned areas is 20-40 thousand cubic meters of water, and the annual requirement is up to 2-4 million cubic meters of water. This requirement is minimal and is possible only with the use of underground drip irrigation systems, as the most economical.

Considering the covered growing zone, it is possible to use only an underground drip irrigation system.
Fertigation systems are used to provide plants with nutrition, giving them the required amount of nutrients throughout the growing season.
Today, water is supplied to fields through ditches. This ancient irrigation system has long been out of date with our times. Enormous unproductive water losses with this type of irrigation can be up to 80%, which is unacceptable given the large deficit of water for irrigation and the increase in total production areas. Without a drip irrigation system, it is impossible to obtain the projected production volumes.

The cost of drip irrigation systems, including water supply systems (wells, water mains, canals), will be approximately 8-10 thousand dollars per 1 hectare.
The total investment in irrigation systems will be 160-200 million US dollars.

Processing plants.

Considering the peculiarity of the project - the placement of gardens in 15 districts of the Fergana region, processing plants must be located in geographical proximity to the gardens being planted.

One processing plant can serve two or three arrays located in neighboring districts. The total number of processing plants can be from 5 to 7 per region. It is desirable to combine processing plants with service centers that will provide farmers with all the necessary equipment, spare parts, fertilizers, mechanization and plant protection equipment, and will also be equipped with highly qualified specialists to provide a full range of agronomic and technical services to all project participants.

Draft design of a processing plant, including:

  • Pomegranate processing workshops equipped with appropriate technological equipment for the production of certain types of products specified in the project.
  • Refrigerator for storing fresh and processed products.
  • Receiving and loading terminals.
  • Quality control laboratory.
  • Service center.
  • Office.
  • Marketing department.
  • Small shopping center for selling products.
  • Agricultural tourism facilities (Option).

Types of products:

  • Fresh pomegranates
  • Peeled pomegranate seeds.
  • Natural juice.
  • Syrup.
  • Culinary products.

Specialized production:


Pomegranate wine was first made in Israel 30 years ago. Today it is a very popular and highly sought after product on the market.
Israeli pomegranate wine has won a high award - a gold medal at the Las Vegas competition. The product is very popular both on the domestic market and for export. The wine has a good price.

In recent years, similar products have begun to be produced in Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Special varieties of pomegranate with low acidity and high sugar content are used to produce pomegranate wine.


This product is also very popular in the tourism business and Uzbekistan has high potential for the production of souvenirs in special, stylized packaging with national flavor.

The photo shows an example of Georgian wine in a souvenir branded design.

For this project in the Fergana region, one wine-making enterprise is sufficient. We have special offers for the creation of such an enterprise, both in terms of the choice of location for its placement, and in terms of production and storage technologies.

Cosmetic products.

Since all components of pomegranate fruits have a number of pharmacological and medical properties, a wide range of therapeutic, health and skin rejuvenating cosmetics has been developed on their basis.

Seeds, grains and even pomegranate peel are used as raw materials.

Creams, masks and other cosmetic products created on the basis of pomegranate raw materials have a powerful regenerative effect on human skin, a strong anti-inflammatory effect and the most effective protective effect against skin cancer, which is especially important for countries close to the equator with strong solar radiation with a large proportion of the ultraviolet spectrum, which has a harmful effect on human skin and often causes skin cancer.

Enterprise for the production of cosmetic products 1 per region, with the receipt of raw materials from all processing enterprises region.

Cosmetic products based on pomegranate raw materials have had a stable and rapid demand in the market in recent years.
People who have tried these products become their regular fans and consumers. This product is in high demand on the world market and, while ensuring high quality and compliance with international standards, these products have enormous export potential.

Additional areas - SPA salons, agrotourism.


This promising area is being actively studied and developed by scientific groups in the USA and Israel.

Marketing and logistics.

Successful development of the project primarily depends on a serious, well-thought-out marketing strategy for the project. The planned production volumes are very large and therefore the strategic concept must be developed today.
For this project, it is necessary to initially develop and register an exclusive trademark adapted for export deliveries and acceptable in different countries of the world in local languages.
The marketing policy must be implemented at a modern information level with intensive use of IT technologies.
Marketing must cover the entire range and volume of manufactured products at all enterprises included in the FERGANA ANOR project.


Logistics must include ensuring the delivery of grown products to processing plants, preparation, sorting, packaging of fresh products and their shipment to consumers, as well as preparation, packaging and shipment to consumers of processed branded products in a full range.

Types of transport.

Automobile. This type of transport is used to deliver raw materials for processing and for shipment to consumers both on the domestic market and for export.

Railway. For wholesale deliveries on the domestic market and for export to neighboring countries.

Air. This promising direction should be considered as promising primarily for export. Fergana Airport has the potential to receive transport aircraft and organize transportation. To ensure the efficient operation of this type of logistics, it is necessary to build a small specialized terminal at the airport for the preparation and shipment of export consignments of goods. The Persian Gulf countries, China, Korea, Japan, the Siberian regions of the Russian Federation and European countries should be considered as potential sales markets. This type of logistics using air transport will significantly expand markets and export potential, primarily for processed products with a high selling price on foreign markets.
The entire logistics complex must have a single management for clear coordination and organization of product deliveries to both domestic and foreign markets.

Trademarks and branded packaging.

These are very important components of the project as a whole. These aspects of the project must be given special attention both at the initial stage and during the work.


The implementation of this project is impossible with the specialists that the Fergana region currently has. It is recommended to create a Training Center for training specialists.

A very important and correct decision has been made to open a faculty at the university in Fergana, where agricultural technology and pomegranate cultivation technology will be studied.

Attention: training specialists at this faculty will take several years, and the requirements for implementing the FERGANA ANOR project are the establishment of a large volume of perennial plantings and the start of production in a short time. Therefore, it is advisable to create a training center at the Department at the University of Fergana for the prompt training of specialists in all required areas and specialties, to create a Training Center where specialists can receive the necessary level of education and qualifications within a few months in order to immediately begin work in the FERGANA ANOR project.

For the effective operation of the faculty, it is necessary to attract foreign specialists to teach at the Training Center, quickly and effectively transfer modern innovative knowledge and experience to specialists undergoing the appropriate training course.
The Training Center can be used to train specialists for other branches of agricultural production, which will have a positive effect on the rapid improvement of the skills of agricultural workers and the intensive implementation of modern technologies and methods for organizing the production of agricultural products.
Additionally, it is necessary to consider the option of taking courses in Israel.


The industry related to the cultivation of pomegranates and processed products is a promising area for the development of agriculture in Uzbekistan. For maximum efficiency in developing this area, it is advisable to create a small, specialized scientific unit, which must be located directly next to the agricultural areas that will be used for the production of pomegranates.
The purpose of the scientific unit is to study the varietal characteristics of local and imported varieties of pomegranates, the use, testing and adaptation to local conditions of new, modern agricultural techniques and technologies for growing and processing grown products, the development of new technologies and processed products, the creation of process maps, quality control, rapid and intensive implementation of everything new in practice and the provision of consulting services to all producers and processors of products.
The purpose of the scientific unit is not to write scientific papers and dissertations, which is also possible, but to quickly and effectively implement everything advanced in practice.

An example of the successful implementation of such a project.

Several years ago, farmers from California (USA) decided to create a large enterprise for the cultivation and processing of pomegranates. This is the company «POM».

Today, it is the largest and most successful manufacturer and supplier of this product on the US market. They have significantly pushed aside long-standing importers from other countries and have taken a leading position on the market.
This was achieved solely on the basis of careful adherence to cultivation and processing technologies, strict adherence to product quality standards and requirements, excellent modern marketing and maximum efforts to create and maintain a high reputation and image of the enterprise.

The success of this project was ensured by the use of Israeli agricultural techniques and cultivation technologies, highly productive varieties of pomegranates, Israeli-made processing equipment and the involvement of specialists from Israel for the rapid and efficient implementation of the project.

Below are photos of this effective American project.

Pomegranate orchards.

An example of a successful project based on Israeli technologies and the effective implementation of the experience and knowledge of Israeli specialists in the United States.


State project of the Republic of Uzbekistan “FERGANA ANOR", is very important and promising. It will create a serious international brand, sharply increase export volumes and the country's income. The project also creates a fairly large number of jobs, increases employment, labor efficiency and the standard of living of the population of the Fergana region.

Total investments in its construction can amount to 620-750 million US dollars.

The project can be implemented in 2-3 stages.

Return on investment - 4-6 years.

For a successful project, full coordination of all stages of its implementation is necessary, from design to full commissioning.
Coordination should be carried out for the entire project in order to avoid errors in equipment, technology and agricultural machinery.

AGROSHERIFF Ltd. is ready to undertake the work on the project in full, including the agrotechnical components of the project, technologies, equipment, personnel training, organization of auxiliary structures (marketing, technical and technological support, logistics concept) and other components of the project, including the supply of technological equipment.

We approach the wishes of our partners reasonably and flexibly and welcome the use of materials and equipment produced in Uzbekistan in the project.
We carry out all cooperation work on a contract basis.

This project can be considered as a basic conceptual project. The project was developed in 2018 and handed over to the customer.

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