Exterior droppers. Advice on how to apply.
These recommendations podgoovleny at the request of our customers.
This page discusses the installation of external droppers for use in the garden or vineyard irrigation of potted plants.
Models droppers:
In practice, two types of droppers are widely used - compensated, of this species, we propose a model ClickTif , and from uncompensated model the ADO .
ADO model has a capacity of 2.3, 4.4 and 8.8 liters per hour.
(In the photo above)
ClickTif model has a capacity of 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 8.0 and 12.0 liters per hour.
(In the photo below)

The drip kit can include a separate dropper and complete mounting kit, including installation tool.
The IV can be mounted directly onto the pipe feeding the water and through the special connection, which includes plain or threaded plug, extension pipe, faucet, drip and tips.
Dropper tip means joined to the PVC tubing and may have a single or 2 or 4 branching.
On the left , it provides a complete set of all you need for installation.
- Mounting device
- Plunger with M11 thread
- Plunger with thread 3/8
- Tip
- Pipe PVC 5/7
- Miniature stopcock
- plunger compression
- Puncher (Punch)
- drip ClickTif
- drip ADO
Installation droppers:

Puncher or Punch.
Droppers for mounting directly into the pipe using a punch of 3.5 mm diameter holes for use with the extension tube and the plungers - 5.0 mm.

Once you have made the hole, it should immediately insert the drip or the plunger!
Once the hole is prepared, you need to stick to it drip. This requires some effort, since a dropper very snugly through the hole in the pipe. This must be done to ensure that the tube material is tight-fitting body dropper. Otherwise, a high-pressure water in the pipe, your drip can pop up!
The same effect may occur if you use too hard, too soft or low-quality tube.
Place the required number of droppers on the length of the tube, and your system is ready for operation.
Droppers "Supertif" are mounted in a similar way, but the output socket, you need to put a tube 
through which water will be supplied to the plants. At the end of the tube it is necessary to wear a special tip, which is stuck in the ground near the plant captures water and access to the precisely the point.
If the additional length of the tube to support it is necessary to use special additional bracket.
On the left you see a dropper assembled.
You just have to stick it in the hole made in the hose.
Periodically clean the hole punch by pressing a lever.
Installation droppers type "Supertif".

Mount on dropper splitter 4-Way.

Attach the hose.

To your hose has been fixed, it is necessary to mount the supporting rack, and a second end of the hose, put on a special tip. Rack support - is an optional component of the system. Tubes splitter can simply lie on the ground. Reception is most often used for irrigation of potted plants.

Now another 3 tubes can be connected to the hub with tips, and now a drip watering for you at 4 plants, or as a large shrub or a vine deoevo!
This option is also very useful for irrigation of potted plants. The tips are inserted into the soil or substrate close to the stem, and your plants will always feel comfortable.
The figure below schematically illustrates how a drip irrigation for the four plants can be used.
In the outlet tube drip is put splitter having 4 output fitting, which put on 4 hose nozzles. Tips stuck into the soil next to the plants that need watering.
There are different designs with the number of output taps fittings from two to six.

Installation with plug:
For the installation of the compression plunger, we use the same punch which punctures holes.
On the metal tip - don tube compression plunger.

Firmly insert it into the prepared hole.
Pipe material tightly compress the plunger. It is possible to use a tube with a wall thickness of 1.0-2.5 mm.

For mounting in thick-walled tubes and pipes of large diameter, as well as tubes of hard plastics, we recommend mounting the threaded plug.
Threaded plungers are available with tapered thread 11mm and 3/8 in.
Cone thread makes it very tightly twist the plug in the tube body, and prevent leak of water.

The plunger is fully screwed into the pipe.
If you use a plastic pipe with a wall thickness of 2.0 mm., The plunger can be screwed without pre-threading. When screwing it works like a screw due to its taper.
Further, in the mounting device is worn tip. The tip of the tube can hold a few seconds in hot water, or simply an aqueous solution omaknut liquid soap. This will facilitate pulling on the tube tip.
The handset coming with a force on the tip to the end of the tube went behind the locking ring that securely attach to the tip of the tube.
The second end of the tube is mounted dropper. Firmly stretch the tube fitting on the dropper and the installation is finished.

Fully assembled drip, including splitter into four directions, tips, plug, extension tube and tap.
The length of distribution pipes - 60 cm. The length of the extension tube can be any.
This mounting design can be seen as a more flexible and convenient for all, the most difficult conditions.

In some cases, you need to temporarily stifle one of the droppers, or move it to another location.
for this there is a special plug, you Kotoy tightly and nadezhnozakroete plunger.
The plug can also be used for closing the rams in the winter and protect the pipe against the ingress of dirt and insects.