New equipment for fertigation

In this article, we talk about some of the latest developments for fertigation systems.
Working in the irrigation market and faced with various models of equipment for fertigation - application of mineral fertilizers together with irrigation water, we came to the following conclusion:
Fertigation systems should be simple in design, reliable in operation, easy to maintain, and affordable. Various systems are presented on the market today, from the most primitive to the most complex systems equipped with computers. Experience shows that fertigation "by eye" does not give the desired results, that is, the use of primitive methods, for example, stirring a bag of fertilizers in a barrel and then supplying the solution with fertilizers in an incomprehensible concentration and in an incomprehensible way, can even lead to a negative result.
The use of complex computer systems is far from affordable for everyone. So where is the exit? How to ensure the exact dosage of fertilizers, how to easily adjust it, and, without incurring large costs for the purchase and operation of equipment, achieve the desired result, that is, provide the plants with an optimal diet?
There is such a solution. These are MixRite proportional metering pumps.
What is it and what it is eaten with and we will try to figure it out in this article.
MixRite. Design.
The design of proportional pumps of the MixRite model is quite simple, but probably everything is ingenious and based on simplicity. The pump consists of plastic housing that combines two cylinders in which pistons move. The upper cylinder is the pump motor. Water passing through it causes the piston to move, and through the rod, this piston is connected to a lower piston of a smaller diameter located in the lower cylinder.
A system of valves and an adjustable volume of the lower cylinder allow sucking in the mother liquor of fertilizers and supplying it to the line, mixing with irrigation water. Since the pump operates on running water and its speed depends solely on the amount of water passing through the pump, this metering pump does not external energy sources are needed, and since the frequency of movement of the piston in the cylinder depends on the amount of water flowing through it, the mother liquor is added strictly in proportion to the amount of water flowing through the pump.
This technical solution allows you to ensure one hundred percent accuracy of fertilizer dosing and thereby ensure ideal conditions for the growth and development of plants that we water.
Adjusting the amount of fertilizer added to the irrigation water is very simple.
At the bottom of the pump, there is an adjusting sleeve, and under it is a scale on which graduations are applied, showing how many percent of the mother liquor is added to the water flowing through the pump.
By making a few turns of this sleeve, you can easily change the concentration of the nutrient solution. It should be added that the best option for use fertigation is its work in conjunction with drip irrigation systems. Here is such a simple, reliable and inexpensive solution, we consider optimal for use on farm fields, in greenhouses, in backyards, and even suburban areas.
MixRights models

Different conditions of use require different amounts of water and different amounts of additives to the water used. For this, proportional metering pumps of various capacities and designed for different percentages of the added mother liquor have been developed. For small areas, pumps with a capacity of 2.5 cubic meters per hour are used, for medium areas - 10 cubic meters per hour and for large areas - 25 cubic meters per hour.
On the left, a pump with a capacity of 2.5 cubic meters of water per hour is shown and its installation dimensions are given.
Below - pumps with a capacity of 10 and 25 cubic meters of water per hour.
Several MixRite pump models and their specifications are shown below.
- MixRite is an adjustable dosing pump that injects a predetermined amount of additive according to the amount of water passing through it.
- Available in several different models, all MixRite pumps have an adjustable dosage:
On/Off System
Has an air bypass valve
On/Off System
Has an air bypass valve
On/Off System
Has an air bypass valve
The limits for adjusting the amount of the component added to the flow are 0.2% - 2%.
The range of adjustment of the amount of the component added to the stream is 0.4% - 4%.
The limits of adjusting the amount of the component added to the flow - 3% - 10%
Water pressure from 0.2 Bar to 6 Bar
Water pressure from 0.5 Bar to 6 Bar
Water consumption from 20 to 2500 l / h
Water consumption from 50 to 2500 l/h
- MixRite is a fixed dosing pump that injects a predetermined amount of additive according to a fixed setting into the water. Several different models are produced.
MixRite2500 |
MixRIte12500 |
MixRite2501 |
MixRite12501 |
MixRite2505 |
MixRite2505 |
Has an air bypass valve |
On/Off System |
Has an air bypass valve |
On/Off System |
Has an air bypass valve |
On/Off System |
Additive amount - 0.2% fixed |
Additive amount - 0.8% fixed |
Additive amount - 5% fixed |
Water pressure - within 0.2 - 6 Bar |
Water consumption from 20 to 2500 l / h |
Application - mainly landscaping, horticulture, fertigation |
Application - mainly for sanitization and vaccination of animals |
Application - mainly for fertigation and industry |
- MixRite can be used in many industries and agriculture.
- This is a simple method for coating metal products with grease or protective coatings, for dosing the addition of detergents to water during washing, cooling, cleaning systems for rooms and equipment, disinfection and sanitization, cleaning products from grease and much more.
- The ratio of concentrate to water is always proportional.
- The dosage remains accurate and constant at all times.
Resistant to chemicals.
MixRite12512 |
MixRite2512 |
MixRite12514 |
MixRite2514 |
On/Off System |
Has an air bypass valve |
On/Off System |
Has an air bypass valve |
The limits for adjusting the amount of the component added to the flow are 0.2% - 2%. |
The range of adjustment of the amount of the component added to the stream is 0.4% - 4%. |
Water pressure from 0.4 Bar to 6 Bar |
Water consumption from 50 to 2500 l / h |
Application and connection options.

If you are interested in such equipment, you can contact us
with a request to purchase it.