
Agricultural Protection Net Aluminet
Agricultural Protection Net Aluminet
Aluminet nets for conservation of the energy, protection from overheat and more. Learn now.
Anti-insects Net
Anti-insects Net
Anti-insects Net a grid for protection against insect pests, whiteflies, thrips, active ventilation and protection from overheating and frost. Learn more now.
Cassettes seedings
Cassettes seedings
Grow seedlings in Cassettes. Learn more now
Lean on Israeli field crops, how they grow, secrets, methods, and more. Learn now
Fish farming
Fish farming
Despite the fact that the country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and fish are caught in the sea, most of the fish production is produced in ponds and cages. These are various types of freshwater fish, as well as valuable and exotic fish.
Fish of Israel
Fish of Israel
Fish of Israel in numeral (and mark)
Fruits and Gardens
Fruits and Gardens
Various climatic, topographic, and soil conditions allow growing a wide variety of fruit crops. Gardeners produce citruses, creamy avocados, kiwi, guavas, mangoes, peaches and nectarines, bananas, and other subtropical fruits, apples, pears cherries, and cherries, ripening in the cool air of the northern hills.
Greens Production
Greens Production
From an economic point of view, through the cultivation of seedlings, it was more cost-effective with regard to product quality, yield exceptionally smooth and standard.
Krivyanskie tomatoes
Krivyanskie tomatoes
Krivyanskie tomatoes
Modern vineyard
Modern vineyard
Modern vineyard. The Ways intensification production, use modern technology underground irrigation.
Potatoes are very plastic culture. To obtain high yields of quality tubers for this plant, it is necessary only to provide sufficient moisture and nutrients.
Seedling of grape
Seedling of grape
Modern intensive technology seedling grape
Increasing the productivity of tomato fields for growing tomatoes in the open field. Secrets for use inexpensive technological methods that will greatly increase the productivity of your fields.
The per capita consumption of vegetables in Israel is one of the largest in the world. In supermarkets, vegetable shops, in the bazaar, you can buy fresh vegetables in a very wide range all year round, and the main types of vegetables are cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, and greens all year round, all at very reasonable prices.
Использование органических удобрений в США
Использование органических удобрений в США
В последние годы во многих странах мира стало популярным так называемое «Органическое садоводство» (Organic Gardening). Это методика выращивания растений с минимальным применением искусственных химических удобрений и пестицидов.
Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 articles)
Greenhouse Teden-500
Greenhouse Teden-500

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